Fitness and Health Inspiration

It's no secret that I need motivation when it comes to fitness. I'm pretty good in the nutrition department (expect when cookies are involved) but when it comes to getting my sweat on I need a healthy dose of fear. Over the years I've come to realize that I am a little bit competitive- okay maybe a lot competitive, but in a healthy way- I need others to keep me going. Most of the time I just need a supportive push from a like minded friend but sometimes I need to feel the fear of being left in the dust.

Today I put that fear to good use and got off my heinie! I did a 4 mile walk/jog and pushed the cobwebs out of my brain and got some much needed sunshine. Who can resist when this awaits you and your trainer clad feet?

But on other days all that I need is a little link to a YouTube video to get me off my chair and out the door. Those who follow me on Instagram may have noticed the hashtag #summerfit on some of my recent fitness inspired photos. This hashtag was created by the YouTube beauty guru MissChievous for use on Twitter and Instagram to both follow her fitness posts as well to inspire others with your own posts. She posts these summer fit videos on her non-beauty channel The Third Shift. Since she started her own journey of weight loss, fitness and healthy living about 3 years ago (around the same time I got serious about it again coincidently) I have drawn inspiration from her but recently she's kicked it up a notch. And boy did it happen at the right time for me! I was getting in a fitness slump again and I needed help. The first thing to get me back to my routine were the MyFitspiration gals and their Dietbet which I talked about HERE, but I also relied heavily on Julia (MissChievous) and her summer fit videos! There's nothing like watching someone else working out and getting it done to get me motivated. So for those friends who asked recently what gets me going when it's 85 degrees in the morning and I'd rather be lounging with cold beverage and a book, this is it! (start at 2:31 if you want to skip the chit chat in the beginning).

I hope you're inspired by Julia's summer fit videos or at least find that me being motivated by her inspires you to reach for better health or a bikini or whatever your goal may be.

ps... I'm also in the middle of another MyFitspiration dietbet- I'll be updating on the progress of that in the coming weeks as well. For those who showed interest in the dietbet 28 day challenges there is another great one starting on May 15th called Let's Bring It On Together, put together by kwogni, a super motivational player who is certain to cheer you to the finish line! To join click the link HERE.


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