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England 2023- The Cathedral City of Wells

Often when I write about England I mention that the places we visit are places “I’ve always wanted to see”. It’s a bit like a broken record but if you know me well then you know that I’ve been an Anglophile since I was a small child. I have been obsessed with this small island for as long as I can remember. I used to collect newspaper articles about England and thumb through my parents 2 complete encyclopedia collections to find out everything I could. I’ve had a long time to amass quite a large list of bucket list places and locations. These trips usually fulfill at least a few of those items, which means I’m usually talking about something “I’ve always wanted to see”.   So without further ado let’s talk about another one of the places on my checklist that I got to finally put a check mark next to…Wells Cathedral. The drive to the City of Wells was beautiful but uneventful, broken up by a parade of vintage mini coopers, signs advertising Lionel Richie “Live at Somerset County Cric...

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